2013. szeptember 2.

Dog links

Olyan cikkeket gyűjtöttem itt össze, amelyek hasonló témájúak, mint ennek a blognak a bejegyzései, vagyis a kutya viselkedésének kutatásával kapcsolatosak. Ezek a júliusi és augusztusi megjelenések:

 2013. augusztus
A kutyák a szemükkel mosolyognak - Index
Kutyapolgárjogi mozgalom indult a fekete ebekért - Index
Jobban sajnáljuk a kivert kutyákat, mint embertársainkat - Ebgondolat blog

Is your dog happy to see you? - The Bark, JoAnna Lou
How dogs show their love? - Science News, Virginia Morell
Do dogs look like their owner? - Psychology Today, Stanley Coren
Is there a black dog syndrome? - Do you believe in dog?, Julie Hecht
Dogs yawn more often in response to owners' yawns than strangers - ScienceDaily
The Animal Behavior Society Meetings 2013 - The Other End of the Leash, Patricia McConnell
Dog-tired: hounds keep best yawns for human pals not strangers - The Guardian
People Feel Sorrier for Battered Puppies Than Adult Humans - Smithsonian
People Have More Empathy for Battered Dogs Than Human Adult, but Not Child, Victims - ScienceDaily
Laughing Doga- The bark, Patricia Simonet
When will dogs try to help humans? - Psychology Today, Stanley Coren
Does your dog know what you are thinking? - MACLEAN'S, Kate Lunau
Do Owners and Their Dogs Have Similar Personalities? - Psychology Today, Stanley Coren
Wolves howl because they care, Science Daily
Decoding the Call of the Wild, Science Now
Is a Dog's Life Worth More Than a Person's?

2013. július